Our spay and neuter surgeries help keep pet populations down and help pets live longer and healthier lives. We offer a variety of services, including our La Plata County community cat program (TNR).
Please complete the appropriate form in its entirety if you wish to make an appointment to have your pet spayed or neutered by La Plata County Humane Society. Payment is due in full when appointment is scheduled.
Neuter – $50
Spay – $100
Additional fees apply for cats that are pregnant, in-heat or have an umbilical hernia.
Pregnant – $20 In-heat – $10 Umbilical Hernia – $15
*Cryptorchid (the absence of at least 1 testical from scrotum). If the animal is Cryptorchid, it may result in refusal of service.
*No pets over 6 years old *Animal must be over 4 months old *Cats are required to arrive in a carrier (1 cat/per carrier)
*Pets with special circumstances will require blood work for an additional $65
*You are required to provide 24-hour notice when canceling or re-scheduling appointments to avoid being charged. Same day and “no show” appointments are not eligible for a refund. If you fail to cancel or re-schedule, payment will not be applied to another clinic in the future.
*Pets must be retrieved no later than 5pm same day surgery is performed or client will be charged a $20.00/per night boarding fee.
We do require registration and liability form submitted and full payment is due at time appointment is scheduled. We require completed registration and liability forms submitted. Full payment is due at time appointment is scheduled.
Neuter – $150
Spay – $200
Additional fees apply for dogs that are pregnant, in-heat or an umbilical hernia.
Pregnant – $20 In-heat – $20 Umbilical Hernia – $15 Over 70lb – $20 Hospitalization $100
*No pets over 6 years old *Pets with special circumstances will require blood work for an additional $100 and a $25 exam fee that will go toward the spay/neuter if the blood work looks good.
*Additional charge of $20 is applied for pets 70lbs. and over.
*You are required to provide 24-hour notice when canceling or re-scheduling appointments to avoid being charged. Same day and “no show” appointments are not eligible for a refund. If you fail to cancel or re-schedule, payment will not be applied to another clinic in the future.
*Pets must be retrieved no later than 5pm same day surgery is performed or client will be charged a $20.00/per night boarding fee.
For Dogs
- Adult/Puppy Dog Combo DA2PPV (Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Para influenza, Parvovirus) – $35
- Bordetella (Kennel Cough) – $25
- Rabies – $35
- Dewormer for Tapeworms – $30
- Heartworm Test – $50
- Microchip (includes registration) – $50
- Nail Trim – $40
For Cats
- Adult Cat/Kitten Combo FVRCP (Feline Rhinotrachertis, Calici, Panleukopenia, Chlamydia) – $35
- Rabies – $35
- Dewormer for Tapeworms – $30
- Feline Leukemia Test – $50
- Microchip (includes registration) – $50
- Nail Trim – $40
Why Microchip?
Did you know that over 90% of lost pets that have identification, microchip and/or ID tags are reunited with their families? This quick, simple and almost painless procedure is used to help identify your pet and a microchip contains a unique identifier that corresponds to your contact information.
Here’s what you need to know about microchipping:
- The procedure is nothing more than an injection similar to a vaccine or routine shot that inserts the microchip—which is about the size of a grain of rice—under your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades.
- A microchip is not a GPS, so it cannot be used to locate your pet. But it can be used to identify him or her and facilitate a quick reunion.
- It’s important to keep your contact information up to date so you can be notified when your pet is found. You can update your pet’s microchip online or call 24PetWatch at 1-866-597-2424.
- All pets adopted from La Plata County Humane Society are microchipped and registered in the 24PetWatch central database.
Please schedule an appointment to get your pet microchipped (includes registration) for $45. To schedule an appointment please call (970) 259-2847 x101
Feral Cat Spay/Neuter/Vaccinate Program 
This program is for La Plata County residents only. Feral cats are a part of our landscape and can be considered a nuisance to community members. This donation-based program assists feral cat caretakers and community members in support of TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) by providing free spay/neuter services. Our TNR program helps control cat populations and behavior by sterilizing, vaccinating and returning them to their location. An appointment is required and TNR clinics are performed on Tuesday and Thursday of each week.
General Information
- Services are provided for feral (wild, un-owned, non-domesticated) cats only.
- Cats are required to arrive in a humane trap, also known as Havahart traps. TNR service will not be provided if cat(s) arrive in standard carrier.
- If you do not have a trap, we offer trap rentals for $5/day with a $100 deposit. Download and complete our Trap Rental Agreement.
- TNR clinics are only performed on Tuesday and Thursday of each week.
What’s Included
- Free spay or neuter surgery
- Rabies vaccine
- Ear tip on left ear (required – this is the universal sign that a cat has been sterilized.)
Trapping a Feral Cat?
- Cover the trap (except the opening for the cat)
- Avoid feeding the day before you trap
- Use tasty, smelly food (cheap tuna) to lure a cat into the trap
- Leave trap in shaded area
- Be sure to check trap every 2-4 hours
- Cats who are missing the top of their left ear, have already been trapped and altered. Let them go and reset the trap for ones that have not been.
- Keep trap covered while transporting the cat to the shelter.
Addition Resources
Frequently Asked Questions about TNR
For more information and to schedule an appointment, please call (970) 259-2847 x101. Have an appointment scheduled? Download and complete form prior to your scheduled appointment TNR Form.docx