Kitten & Cat Foster Resources
- Complete LPCHS Foster Handbook
- Raising Orphaned Kittens
- Common Ailments in Cats & Kittens
- What Constitutes an Emergency?
- Fecal Score Chart
- The Kitten Lady
- LPCHS Kitten Diarrhea Protocol
- LPCHS Sick Cat & Kitten Protocols
- Upper respiratory infections (URI) in cats & kittens
- Fear free eye treatment
- Vaccines & Viruses
- How to check a foster pet for dehydration
- Diarrhea in puppies & kittens
- Medical urgencies and when to seek medical care: 5 weeks and older
- Medical urgencies and when to seek medical care: 0-4 weeks
- Fading Kitten
- How to bottle feed puppies & kittens
- Kitten & puppy bottle feeding problems and solutions
- How to stimulate puppies & kittens to potty
- Harmful suckling among kittens
- Transitioning puppies and kittens to solid food
- How to handle & socialize unsocial kittens
- Solving litter box problems
- Cleaning & disinfection in foster homes
- Preventing the spread of disease in foster homes